Shipping - EU
Place 10-15 ml of room temperature breastmilk in a breastmilk storage bag if you have ordered a breastmilk jewelry piece. For breastmilk statues you'll need to send 20-25ml.
I do not recommend sending more than 15ml per child as larger volumes are more likely to leak. If you opt for a breastmilk jewel with multiple periods or different breastmilk (e.g. for different children) or that must be preserved separately, use 1 breastmilk storage bag for each child.
Close the bag and place this bag in a second breastmilk storage bag. Use a permanent marker and write the child's name on each bag. Wrap each bag individually in a paper towel and place them individually in another breastmilk storage bag to ship your milk. If you don't have a breastmilk storage bag, you can store the milk in an airtight refrigerator bag. This is the riskier option, so try the first method.
Write your order number + your full name on the outer bag(s). You can find your order number in the confirmation email I sent you after you placed your order.
Read the next step "Sending your inclusions".
Put at least 10-15 hairs in a cotton pad to keep them together. Wrap the hair in aluminum foil but do not fold it too much as the hair will kink and be unsuitable for use.
Write the person's name on this packet. Put this package in a small envelope and write your order number + your full name on the envelope. You can find your order number in the confirmation email I sent you after you placed your order.
Read the next step "Submit".
Put ½ teaspoon of ashes or cremains in aluminum foil. I recommend selecting some larger pieces of cremains to give the jewelry some depth. Fold it a few times. Put the aluminum foil back in an envelope and write the name of your loved one or pet on the envelope.
Put this in a second envelope and write your order number + your full name on the envelope.
Read the next step "Submit".
For customs, please add a handwritten or typed note to your package and seal it in another bag to protect it from leaks, clearly stating that the package's contains:
dyes for jewelry making if you are shipping breastmilk or ashes. DO NOT write that you are actually shipping breastmilk or ashes.
contains a lock of hair.
This is in case customs opens your package and wants to know exactly what is in the package.
Put your inclusions in a simple bubble envelope or small box. Only use a normal bubble-filled envelope or box to avoid problems with customs.
Always send your inclusions by registered mail. State on the declaration form or form from your postal service that the value of your shipment is $20 or 20 euros. Your inclusions are very valuable and not replaceable, but if you put a higher amount on your shipping papers, customs will hold them longer to investigate or even charge import fees and taxes which I then have to charge you.
Send your inclusions to this address:
Joost Banckertsplaats 241
3012 HL, Rotterdam
South Holland – Netherlands (Holland)